Why Choose Concrete For a Pool Deck Material

When you add an in-ground pool to your home, you want to think about the surrounding deck. The deck should look inviting and relaxing, but it should also work well with the décor of your home and its overall style and be safe for foot traffic around the pool.

While you can opt for any material you so choose for your pool deck, you might consider why concrete is a good choice for any home. Note some advantages it offers.

1. Affordability

Concrete may be one of the most affordable options for a pool deck because it can be poured in large batches, unlike stone and brick, which must be set down one at a time. Setting stone by hand makes the job of creating a deck much longer and labor-intensive, which in turn often makes it more costly. If you have a very large area you want to convert to a deck, consider the cost savings of poured concrete.

2. Durability

Brick and stone can shift with the ground underneath them and then crack and need replacing. They may also need the joints or seams between them repaired consistently as these too crack over time. Concrete is much more durable and less likely to crack or shift out of place.

3. Appearance

You may think of concrete as being very dull and drab, but note that it can be painted or stained to look like brick or just about any natural stone. You can also have an aggregate added to give it texture and depth and some color. This aggregate can be any color, shade and tone, so you can choose a red tone to match your brick home or something in a slate grey that offsets your white home. An aggregate can also be made with smooth glass that reflects light for a very eye-catching design.

4. Heat reflection

Some darker stones may absorb heat and make your pool deck uncomfortable against bare feet, whereas concrete reflects some light rather than absorbing it. This keeps the surface of your deck much cooler and more comfortable.

5. Safety

While you might consider adding an aggregate to concrete for the sake of appearance, note that this also makes the surface more slip-resistant. This is important around a pool, as some stones are already very smooth and slippery to begin with, but once they get wet, they become even more treacherous. To keep your pool deck safe, consider concrete with a bumpy aggregate or textured surface.

For more information, contact a local contractor that is experienced with pools and pool decks. 
